
Some days I hate my face. Okay, so hate is a strong word and honestly it's not my face that I dislike. Its what pops up on it that I absolutely despise. This morning I woke up and my entire top lip was a fever blister. Was? IS... WILL BE FOR THE NEXT WEEK! At least. I look like a fish that someone beat up. It hurts to talk, to eat, and especially to smile and laugh, two things that I dearly love to do. =) Ouch. See... even that hurt. So the only thing I could do is decide to work from home today and slather my face in Abreva all day in the hope that some of the swelling will go down before tonight. What's tonight? One of my closest friend's wedding shower. Which means I will be laughing and smiling a lot, there is no avoiding that. Thankfully I won't be the object of many pictures.